Running a food truck

Most Things You Need to Know About Running a Food Truck You Can Learn From a Lemonade Stand

Most Things You Need to Know About Running a Food Truck You Can Learn From a Lemonade Stand

Last weekend we had unbelievably good weather for April. My son and daughter were given a bunch of lemons by a neighbor so they approached me with the idea of opening a lemonade stand. Naturally I encouraged the idea because there are so many valuable business and money lessons they can learn from operating a lemonade stand. Here are some of the lessons they learned which reminded me of some of the lessons we all can learn from selling lemonade:

The Five Letters That Will Make or Break Your Food Truck Business

The Five Letters That Will Make or Break Your Food Truck Business

S-A-L-E-S. You're in the food truck business, but first and foremost you're in the sales business. It seems that many food truck operators underestimate the importance of sales. I've eaten at trucks with average food, but amazing branding and sales staff. I've also eaten at many trucks with terrible branding and customer service, but some of the best food I've ever tasted. You can be successful somewhere in the middle, but why not be great at both food and sales? I can't help with your food, but here are some tips to be better than average in sales:

Are You a Proactive or Reactive Food Truck Owner?

Are You a Proactive or Reactive Food Truck Owner?

I don't really like the word proactive. It tends to be a corporate cliche for businesses that fail to meet their promises. However, I'm going to use the term in this post because I can't think of a better way to get the point across. I try to occasionally provide some business tips for you food truckers. No, I don't run a food truck, never have, but I talk with owners all day long, eat with them and see many succeed and fail, so I think you may be able to gain a nugget of information from these tips. Here are some thoughts on being proactive rather than reactive when running your food truck business.

Good Food Fast and Easy

Good Food Fast and Easy

As a frequent eater of many food trucks I’ve seen all types of menus; short ones, long ones, easy ones and complicated ones. You probably have invested a tremendous amount of time and creative thought into your menu. However, you want to be sure your customers can understand it and order quickly.

Branding Your Food Truck

Branding Your Food Truck

I understand you are extremely busy. Operating a food truck is one of the most demanding businesses possible. It's hard to squeeze in marketing and branding when you're up early prepping for the day and up late cleaning your truck and paying bills. However, branding is essential to the success of your business. You need your name and food to be known by your customers and your soon to be customers. 

What the Drive-Through Window Can Teach You

What the Drive-Through Window Can Teach You

We've discussed fast food chains and their proliferation in past blog entries. Even though they many not necessarily focus on the quality like our food truck clients, they can still teach us quite a bit on mastering fast food.  This article is good for food trucks to get in the head of your consumer and their expectations of you.