Dude, Where's My Coverage

Maybe this has happened to you, hopefully it has not... If you have your food truck insured on a commercial auto policy there is a good chance you will not be covered for your most valuable property. 

A commercial auto policy covers your auto liability which is very important, however most stanard auto policies do not cover the truck modifications. This would be your custom build out, cooking equipment and loose items such as a POS, stock, inventory, etc. 

There are major insurance carriers out there trying to write food truck insurance, unfortunatley they are not providing a comprehensive package policy like we can and do. Before you go to a big box company that does not understand the nature of your business please explore our website and blog further. You have invested way to much time and money into your rig to not cover it properly. If you want the right coverage for your truck and operations go here. We want you to say SWEET! not DUDE? after a loss.