Secure Your Truck

Secure Your Truck

There's a lot going on in and around your tuck on most days. As technology advances it is getting much easier and more affordable to secure your truck. Because we insure so many gourmet food trucks across the county, we see all kinds of claims. Theft and vandalism are still not very common, but it does happen. Here are some of the ways you can increase security of your truck to reduce the possibility of loss and possibly reduce your premium...

Southern California Insurance Rate Hikes

Southern California Insurance Rate Hikes

California is a BIG state. It's often debated whether Northern and Southern California should be divided into two states. Politics aside, you may or may not know that most insurance carriers really do treat the two independently. Southern California rates have been increasing and recently they are increasing very fast. There are many reasons for this, but primarily workers' compensation insurance...

Take Employment Practices Liability Off the Menu

Take Employment Practices Liability Off the Menu

You may not have a big staff, but you likely have a few employees – whether permanent, seasonal or temporary. Even family members hired to help out count as employees. Did you know that small businesses like yours are exposed to employment lawsuits? In fact, half of the lawsuits brought by employees are against small businesses.

The Workers Compensation Insurance Roller Coaster

The Workers Compensation Insurance Roller Coaster

We are always ranting about how food trucks with employees need to carry workers' compensation insurance (see our Duck Test entry). Beyond the legal requirement, doing good by your staff and ultimately protecting yourselves, food truck owners should consider the current state of the market. Insurance rates (especially workers' compensation) tend to fluctuate with the economy. Did you know that right now rates are possibly at the lowest point in 5-6 years?

Everyone Wants to Jump Aboard the Food Truck Train

Everyone Wants to Jump Aboard the Food Truck Train

We knew it was just a matter of time before insurance carriers caught on that gourmet food trucks are here to stay and are typically run by good business people. For the past four years most insurance carriers have been saying that they are not interested in insuring food trucks and that they are just not a "good risk". When we launched, we were fortunate enough to partner with an amazing insurance company that understands gourmet food trucks and understands risk.