Booking a Food Truck for your Next Event


Food trucks have exploded with popularity over the past decade, it is now hard to go any crowded public place without seeing at least one. But besides serving roadside on busy streets, you probably have noticed that food trucks have been popping up at more and more events, large and small. This trend is awesome because food trucks are perfect for all types of gatherings. If you are thinking about getting a food truck for your next event, here are some tips to make sure everything goes smoothly!

First you need to decide which truck or trucks you want serving at the event. If you are hosting a larger event with a large crowd of people, multiple trucks are more than likely a better idea. This way you can have a variety for guests who are in the mood for different types of foods, like Mexican or Pizza. You could also consider having one truck for entrees, and a cupcake or gelato truck for dessert. It is also important to know the type of people you are serving to. You would not want to hire a BBQ truck for an event that mostly Vegans attend! For more intimate occasions when it is mostly close family and friends, like most birthday or graduation parties, one truck should be just fine. In this case let the person of honor pick the type of food!

Planning is very important and can potentially ruin the experience if done wrong. Like anything else, reserving the truck(s) far in advance will likely eliminate any scheduling conflicts. The longer you wait to call a truck the more likely that they have a different event to attend. Once the date is set, you want to make sure the truck(s) will be serving at a time that maximizes the number of guests that will be eating. If a graduation party is from 3:00-8:00 and you reserve the truck from 3:00-5:00, but most guests don’t show up until 5:30, they will be very upset upon arrival! Keep normal lunch and dinner times in mind as this is when most people will be hungry. When reserving the truck you will also need to let the food truck owner know if you will be paying for all of the food as the host, or if all of the guests will be paying for it. If you are going to cover the costs as host, make sure you are willing to cover the cost to eat per person if the crowd is larger than you expected.

Once the day of the event comes, the most important thing is to make sure you have a spot for the truck to park and serve. Then sit back and enjoy the food and overall great experience that food trucks can bring to a party. If anybody has any other tips for reserving food trucks for events, comment below. Food Truck Owners: Feel free to share this with family and friends!